Youth Ministry


Our primary goal at Grace & Mercy Family Ministries is to win youth to Christ. We are deeply committed to meeting their specific needs and encouraging them to wholeheartedly serve the Lord. Our aim is to help each individual grow into spiritual maturity and develop a personal relationship with Christ. To ensure that this happens, we are dedicated to providing a creative learning experience that engages young people and promotes a genuine connection with their Savior.

In addition to our spiritual endeavors, we also strive to provide quality care and learning experiences for the youth. We understand the importance of nurturing their intellectual, emotional, and social growth. Through careful research and planning, we curate activities that actively involve the children and teens with the community. We believe that by engaging with the community, our youth can gain a better understanding of the world around them and actively contribute to its betterment.

Furthermore, we actively develop and facilitate activities that raise funds for our youth organization. These events not only generate financial support but also foster a sense of unity and teamwork. By participating in these fundraising activities, our Youth learn valuable lessons in responsibility, leadership, and stewardship. It is our belief that these experiences shape their character, equipping them to become compassionate and effective leaders in the future.

At Grace & Mercy Family Ministries, our purpose is multifaceted. We aim to win the hearts of youth to Christ, minister to their diverse needs, empower them to serve others, and guide them towards spiritual maturity. We strive to create a supportive environment where our children and young people can grow, thrive, and make a positive impact in the world around them.